How to add a lead form on your instagram profile.

How to Add a Lead Form to Your Instagram Profile

If you’re interested in growing your audience, making connections and generating leads, you’ll want to have a lead form on your Instagram profile. In the video below I’ll walk you through the simple steps to getting a lead form up and running in under five minutes.

If you prefer take in information by reading, scroll down past the video for step-by-step instructions.

From your Instagram profile, select Edit Profile to open your profile settings. Scroll down toward the bottom of the page to where it says “Action buttons” and click on the arrow to the right.

A new window will pop up where you get to select what type of action button you want to create. There are a few options here, which may or may not apply to you depending on your business. For the purpose of this tutorial, let’s select the lead form option.

The action button set-up page pops open, and you have two more options. Instagram allows you to choose between a standard lead form or a custom lead form.

The standard lead form comes with the input fields preset. They include the question “What services do you need?” and fields for contact information name, phone number and email.

A custom form allows you to add up to three custom questions to your form and customize the contact information you’d like to collect. I prefer this option because it allows me to gather a bit more information in a language that’s in line with my brand identity. So let’s do that.

Select Custom Lead Form and choose the type of question you’d like add, either multiple choice or short answer.

Fill in the text for your question. If it’s a multiple choice question, you’ll have to provide the text for the choices as well.

Once you’re finished adding all your questions, scroll down to the customer information section. This is where you can customize the contact information you’ll be collecting from the lead. Name is required and autofills from the lead’s Instagram profile. Make your selections and hit Save.

Next you’ll set up the button that appears on your profile page. Again, the choices depending on the type of business you run and the objective of your action button. I’m going to choose the Learn More. Then hit Done.

And that’s it. When you head back to my profile page, where will be a new action button after your bio.

Now whenever someone clicks your Learn More button and fills out the form, you’ll receive a notification. On the notifications page, there will be a cute little note telling you that you have new leads to review. Click each lead to read the form submission.


And there you have. You can set up a lead form on your Instagram profile in under five minutes. Keep in mind that once you’ve created a form you can’t edit or remove it. But you can replace it with a new form.

Give it a try then pop back her and let me know how it went in the comments.

Tamara Sztainbok

I design and build WordPress websites for purpose-driven businesses. I love nothing more than connecting people who are passionate about what they do with exactly the people who need to know them.