I survived Facebook Live (Plus some SEO tips) by PuzzleBoxCommunications.com

I survived Facebook Live (Plus some SEO tips)

So I’m writing this just minutes after doing my very first Facebook Live. I know the title of this post is a bit dramatic, but I really was rather terrified of live video. I guess it’s because I’m a bit of a perfectionist or maybe just a control freak, but there’s something very vulnerable about live video.

But like I said at the beginning of the video, I was inspired by my daughter to go ahead and do it once and for all. Just a week ago she returned from a one-week canoe trip in Algonquin Park. She’d never done anything like that before and she was tested to the limit both physically and mentally. But she got through it and came out of it stronger and more resilient. Obviously I couldn’t be prouder of her. But her experience also inspired me to take more risks and push myself more.

So here’s what I learned from this first video:

  1. Nobody cares how you look or how tidy your house is. Just show up and talk about something useful and helpful.
  2. Prepare what you’re going to talk about. Have some notes nearby to help you. When that little LIVE button goes on, your nerves will take over and you’ll forget what you were going to say. At one point I said the word “Facebook” for no reason and it was all because of nerves.
  3. Holding your phone is not ideal. I didn’t the equipment on hand to stabilize my phone so I just held it — I didn’t want to have equipment as an excuse not to do it. But in future it would be nice not to have the phone in my shaking hand.
  4. Turn the phone sideways so the frame is horizontal. I think I knew this one but forgot it in the moment. It fills the frame on the Facebook post much better.
  5. I’m going to do these more often. It’s kind of fun — in a terrifying way.

What I learned from going live on Facebook

So if you want some tips on finding SEO Keywords, pop over to my Facebook page and watch the video. And leave me some questions in the comments that I can answer in future videos.

Tamara Sztainbok

I design and build WordPress websites for purpose-driven businesses. I love nothing more than connecting people who are passionate about what they do with exactly the people who need to know them.
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